The Mollie B RFDTV mess
(too old to reply)
Ethel's Little Willy
2017-01-01 19:38:22 UTC
Somebody is lying and it's hard to tell who. Will RFDTV get
a replacement or just keep re-airing old material? I'm
assuming now that lawyers are involved they couldn't patch
things up. Such a shame
2017-01-01 22:08:49 UTC
Post by Ethel's Little Willy
Somebody is lying and it's hard to tell who. Will RFDTV get
a replacement or just keep re-airing old material? I'm
assuming now that lawyers are involved they couldn't patch
things up. Such a shame
Care to elaborate?
Ethel's Little Willy
2017-02-12 18:12:57 UTC
***@gmail.com wrote in
Post by g***@gmail.com
Care to elaborate?
RFD's version of events

"Mollie B has canceled her August appearance in Medina and
her November appearance in Branson.
The facts are:
Mollie B and Squeezebox, through their attorney,
notified RFD-TV on June 20 that they would not be
available for the Medina and Branson tapings/shows
scheduled for this year. That came as a shock to us.
RFD-TV made every effort to get them to change their
mind, however, this past Friday, July 1, this same
attorney wrote us again and stated that they would not
reconsider, and that bands/fans should now be notified.
We are now quickly seeing if there is enough interest
from the fans/bands to go ahead with the tapings with
another host, as scheduled, and are in the process of
doing that this week. We will make a decision by Friday,
July 8th.
Please be assured that RFD-TV will provide a full refund
on your dance tickets, if requested.
We certainly apologize for any inconvenience to you. As
you know, RFD-TV has been a tremendous supporter of
promoting and expanding polka music for the past 16 years,
and we will continue to do so. We wish Mollie & Ted well,
and hope that they can resolve their personal problems
which have had such a negative effect on their ability to
produce any new Polka Party events with RFD-TV.
New Mollie B Polka Party shows that were taped in Ennis
this past April are now airing on Saturday nights. New
Jimmy Sturr shows are set to be produced next March."

Mollie B's version of events
"There have been a lot of rumors floating around regarding
the Mollie B Polka Party that was scheduled for August in
Medina, MN and the Mollie B Christmas Special scheduled in
November in Branson, MO.
The Mollie B Polka Party taping in Medina, MN in
August 2016 has been CANCELLED and the Mollie B Christmas
Special at RFD-TV the Theatre in Branson, MO in November
2016 has also CANCELLED. Both "Mollie B" tapings for RFD
are CANCELLED. However, pleaes know Mollie and Ted are
performing in the "Mollie B Christmas Concert" on November
6th in Branson taking place at the Jim Stafford Theatre.
Visit our schedule for more details.
Mollie B had every intention of doing the Medina, MN
Mollie B Polka Party Taping and the Mollie B Christmas
Special in Branson, but difficulties arose with RFD-TV,
including non-payment for the Ennis, TX taping, which
resulted in Mollie B. having to seek legal counsel to
protect her rights under her contract with RFD-TV. Since
this is a legal matter, neither Mollie B nor I, Ted Lange,
are at liberty to further discuss details regarding this
matter and we hope people will understand that.
This whole situation saddens Mollie and I more than
anyone will ever know. Mollie and I both genuinely feel
bad for all the fans and bands, especially anyone who made
plans to attend either of these events. Anyone who knows
her or has come into contact with her clearly sees she’s a
caring, loving, responsible, Christian woman who puts her
all in everything she does, and can be relied upon to do
what she says she is going to do.
I encourage you to question what some call "facts"
before blindly believing what you read or hear coming from
different sources regarding this matter. Let's hope those
RESPECTFUL. We find this type of behavior disrespectful,
unprofessional and degrading.
I want to make clear that this has NO impact on our
performances as “Squeezebox with Ted Lange & Mollie B”. We
will continue to travel and perform, so we can share our
love for the music with our fans.
Additionally, this has NO impact on our cruise,
taking place in 2017. We hope you’ll join Squeezebox along
with The Jimmy Sturr Orchestra, The Kenny Brandt Band,
Fred Ziwich and the International Sound Machine, Jim
Busta, and the Music Connection.
Your prayers and support are appreciated.
Thank you,
Ted Lange, Squeezebox"
2017-01-07 06:48:20 UTC
Post by Ethel's Little Willy
Somebody is lying and it's hard to tell who. Will RFDTV get
a replacement or just keep re-airing old material? I'm
assuming now that lawyers are involved they couldn't patch
things up. Such a shame
I notice that tomorrow night's episode ( = Jan. 8, 2017) appears to be new ( The recording date given --for the first time-- is 2017. I enjoy watching the show when I can, and note that there are several big recording sessions each year, but in between these, repeat episodes are aired. I didn't know about any significant problems ( i.e. "with lawyers" ) . Hope it's not the case: This show is a great thing for polka music ( which is evidently in much better shape these days in the Midwest and Texas, where the shows are recorded, than on the East Coast)...
2017-02-19 02:19:40 UTC
Post by Ethel's Little Willy
Somebody is lying and it's hard to tell who. Will RFDTV get
a replacement or just keep re-airing old material? I'm
assuming now that lawyers are involved they couldn't patch
things up. Such a shame
Thanks for the explanation , Ted--Like so many others, I've loved Mollie's ( and your) show for years now--Mollie is awesomely talented and I believe that it's clear for everyone to see what a wonderful person she is, and how she loves bringing music and joy to people of all ages. Sadly ,we should recall, too, that Mollie' predecessor, Big Joe , whose show was also loved for so long, had similar problems with RFD-TV . I recall writing to the owner of the station then ( as Big Joe suggested that polka fans do) asking for some understanding and compromise on his part, and was saddened by the station owner's very abrasive answer. I guess it's not in our power to bring about a positive resolution of this by contacting RFD in great numbers ( as this failed last time, when the Big Joe show experienced a similar crisis) -- I hope it consoles you both to know that your hard work and talent showcased polka music in a way that no other medium has ever been able to do ( on nationwide TV ) : It brought great happiness to thousands, and helped spread the joy, music and beauty of the ethnic heritages of all of the ethnic groups ( ranging from Germanic, Scandinavian and Eastern Europeans to Tex-Mex and Mexican ) throughout the land ---and for all this, so many of us will remember you and your wonderful efforts with gratitude as long as we live.
2017-09-01 18:40:52 UTC
Are there any updates on this whole mess. Many of us adore Molly and love polka music and miss her shows!💜
Ethel's Little Willy
2017-09-30 19:48:33 UTC
***@aol.com wrote in
Post by g***@aol.com
Are there any updates on this whole mess. Many of us
adore Molly and
Post by g***@aol.com
love polka music and miss her shows!💜
I think after this long there won't be any reconciliation
(especially with the threat of lawsuits) RFD appears
content to air re-runs ad nauseum. Maybe they could get a
new host but I don't know who would want to do it.
Stan Croff
2022-12-25 04:07:13 UTC
Post by Ethel's Little Willy
Are there any updates on this whole mess. Many of us
adore Molly and
love polka music and miss her shows!💜
I think after this long there won't be any reconciliation
(especially with the threat of lawsuits) RFD appears
content to air re-runs ad nauseum. Maybe they could get a
new host but I don't know who would want to do it.
Stan Croff
2022-12-25 04:14:27 UTC
Post by Ethel's Little Willy
Are there any updates on this whole mess. Many of us
adore Molly and
love polka music and miss her shows!💜
I think after this long there won't be any reconciliation
(especially with the threat of lawsuits) RFD appears
content to air re-runs ad nauseum. Maybe they could get a
new host but I don't know who would want to do it.
Obviously RFD is a nothing channel . We live in Washington State and watch Molly B every week. It says something about a tv channel when all that they play are shows that are seven years old. They should go out of business if they can't get enough money together to keep Molly B. This is our favorite show on television.